Blockchain Network Structure
Nodes, which are the most important stakeholders of decentralization in blockchain systems, are supported and incentivized by the easy-to-install hybrid mining system offered by Web3Chain. This feature allows its distributed structure to grow at an even fastest rate.
The Web3Chain network has been operational since day one with 19 Web3Miner nodes on 3 continents of the world in different locations. These fixed master nodes are provided by Web3Coin and their number can reach hundreds of thousands without any problems regarding the infrastructure.
In large-scale studies, not only a blockchain has been developed, but also improvements have been made that will increase the performance of the chain in all aspects, reduce network latencies and exceed the limits of existing TCP protocols. Thus, it is guaranteed that the synchronization between Web3Miner and nodes always happens instantly by using the world's most advanced technologies in this field.
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